Saturday 2 August 2008

INDECENT PROPOSAL - South Asian Marriages Today

Back in the good old days, elders would recommend boys and girls of marital age to someone they knew who would be suitable for them. Solely parents and close contacts of parents would do this. Sounds straightforward and it probably was as there was this trust and closeness amongst communities. However, this most certainly isn't the case nowadays.

South Asian parents look for the most suitable partner for their sons and daughters, taking into consideration various factors that may be deemed as shallow in Western society such as level of education, religious awareness, what ethnic group they're from, employment background and so on and so forth. Of course, these factors vary due to individual definitions. Parents look for what they think is right for their children and reject what they dislike. However, this is very different when they recommend someone for another person's son or daughter. Basically, they lower their standards! Yes, very shallow indeed. You would think they would put themselves in another parent's shoes but no, not these days. It's each for their own. It doesn't matter who they're son or daughter marry so long as they're children have got the best. Selfish I hear you think? Well it is. Trust has gone out the window and as far as I'm concerned shoved where the sun don't shine. So-called friends of the family are no longer friends but are self absorbed individuals out to get what they can. When a partner is recommended by someone whom by the way, barely knows the family, parents feel obliged to enquire purely on the ground of 'saving face'. They are continuously put in this situation by know it alls meddling in other people's private lives.

Such individuals are creating a divide or perhaps adding to the divide in this once loving, close knit community. Recommendations of prospective partners for 'arranged marriages' are unworthy of consideration but are indecently chosen with no regard for compatibility.

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