Tuesday 10 February 2009

Testing the Boundaries? 21st Century Relationships

The following article is about the other half. Don’t worry readers, I’m not going to go on a ‘feminist’ rant as I don’t like feminists myself. Firstly, I’m not playing the 'blame game' here and blame the ‘male specie’ about issues regarding cheating, being unfaithful...whatever it’s called these days. However, in recent months I have learned how men test the boundaries with women. By this I mean that sometimes certain people are in situations/relationships in which they are obviously unhappy in and indeed insecure about. Now you may ask, why are these guys in the relationships in the first place? Well, let me fill you in on my theory.

From observations and experiences, I have encountered that when guys have something missing in their lives and feel incomplete, without realising, they search for it elsewhere, well, more like in other women. They try to open up to these women and say how they have had it hard in their life and that their girlfriends, partners (whatever they label them now) don’t understand them and how you understand them etc. Well, this is absolute rubbish. They’re basically looking for something better and they are very unhappy in their relationships and perhaps only in the situation as they don’t want to be alone or excluded from contemporary social circles. They hang on until they get something better. However, when they find out that they can’t have this other person, they go back to their lives and make the effort to understand and be there for their partners. What a cheek? Doesn’t that sound like a back-up plan? It’s almost as though they have an item reserved just in case they don’t get what they’ve ordered. Now, I don’t know what you would call this, but isn’t that just like cheating? If people are unhappy with their relationships, why not be honest and true to the soul and get out of it and then look for whatever they need?

The truth of the matter is that we live in a selfish society where people are just concerned for ‘ME, ME ME’ and solely their OWN desires, constantly trying to take things from others in order to make themselves feel better and complete. However, little do they realise that taking things in this way makes it ‘impure’ and all that they are left with is emptiness.

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