Friday 27 February 2009

Sara and Danny Boy - weakness of women

Many may believe that women in the Asian population are oppressed and dominated by men. This may be true in some cases but it is important to look at objectively. Has it been misinterpreted and hence misunderstood purely because of a few ‘stories’ exploited by the media? Or is there truth in this matter. Let’s try to figure this out!
From experiences, observations and research conducted, I have seen the weakness of women and how, in a nutshell, ‘what they bring on themselves’. Most young women I know in Asian culture are (to put it mildly) doormats. Look at it this way, I’m no feminist so don’t go start thinking I am. This is based on what I’ve seen! It’s very easy to blame men especially in this ‘equality for all’ era regarding issues faced by women but its simple, due to the nature of women, they are putting the pressure and giving into the pressure themselves. Let me run you through an example, A friend of mine…hmmm…lets call her Sara, is contemplating marriage to a guy or should I say ‘boy’ (still pretty immature). Anyway! This ‘boy’ (lets call him Danny boy) can’t offer her much with regards to security and..wait for it…equality! Sara knows of this but that dreaded soft spot she has for him is over shadowing her judgement, which is only human I guess but lets look at the equality side of this. Danny boy’s criteria;
1. Doesn’t want Sara to work with other men (keep in mind Sara’s profession is in a male dominated field)
2. Talk to them in general even her own cousins! (I hear you gasp)
3. Wants to control her ‘activities’ What a nerve, yes I know.
However, Sara is justifying these actions to others around her but what Sara doesn’t realise is that she’s subconsciously convincing herself. A lot of people do that when they want something to work! But it needs to be noted that we’re just kidding ourselves. Oh yeah, did I mention the tiny tiny detail that the above rules don’t apply to our Danny boy? Enough of the example (it’s a true example by the way). More seriously, these issues are faced all the time and women are digging a hole for themselves. I guess they’re thinking that they can have an influence and their own way after marriage but that isn’t the case. Boys like our Danny boy here are mere control freaks whom show people a certain degree of respect, if you can call it that, before marriage but deep inside they know this will not be case after marriage. It’s about power and control and owning something you can rear. You're no animal dear! What women don't know is that they're pretty much exchanging what they believe in, their career and aspirations and their friends for a one way marriage.

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